Lynn River
New Zealand
Wholesale Distribution
Sage 300
Reliance on manual effort and no visibility of inventory data.
Netstock integrated with Sage 300.
Better inventory decisions because of accurate information and early warning signals.
Early warning is key
“Instead of reacting to stock-outs after they occur, early warning of potential stock-outs enables us to intervene as soon as sales start to go through the roof. This is the single biggest benefit for us,” says Brendan Cosgrove, Operations & Purchasing Manager.
The simplicity of the visual display really helps clarify what is actually going on with our inventory.
Brenda Higgins, Inventory Manager
While this early warning signal is key, there are many other aspects of Netstock that are invaluable. Brendan continues, “The item projection shows the dynamic inventory levels going forward, and clearly highlights where we have too much, too little or are tracking well.”
“We can very easily check the impact of new customers on our existing customer base. If we add in the new customer’s likely demand and it shows that we will run out of stock and affect our existing customers, we have the information we need to better manage when the new customer comes on board.”
Lynn River really is in safe hands with Netstock.
Netstock has everything we need and we can’t imagine life without it!
Brendan Cosgrove, Operations & Purchasing Manager
The ultimate guide to inventory management
Learn about the six fundamental principles of inventory optimization that enable you to make informed decisions that balance current demand with future need.