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Have the right machinery and equipment inventory available

Have complete visibility across your product range to ensure you have the critical equipment available to meet demand. Confidently generate accurate forecasts that anticipate demand and supply risks and factor in trends, seasonality, and promotions.

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Supply chain planning software's ROI


Quick guide – Improve forecasting in your supply chain

This quick guide will introduce you to inventory forecasting. Learn three key steps that will help you more accurately predict future sales and avoid incurring excess stock and stock-outs.

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Improve inventory and demand planning with Netstock

Netstock equips you for inventory success

  • Bill of Material visibility: use visual linkages and ratio information to inform procurement, production scheduling, resource allocation, and inventory management decisions.
  • Supplier performance monitoring: identify and work with reliable suppliers, improve lead times, and automatically adjust safety stock.
  • Create supplier forecasts: be proactive, collaborate and discuss purchase plans for the year ahead with suppliers.
  • Manage machinery & equipment with predictive analytics: balance supply across multiple production lines.
  • Optimize ordering: use replenishment cycle and order size constraints (MOQ, OM). Quickly raise an order filtered to a specific work center or product range
  • Seasonal forecasting: create forecasts that account for seasonality, including items without sales history. Apply seasonality to items within a seasonal group, even if their individual sales history doesn’t show seasonality.
  • Inventory visibility dashboard: see inventory holding and measure inventory KPIs in one easy-to-use dashboard. Quickly address stock-outs and reduce excess stock.
  • Automatically classify stock: reduce the risk of obsolescence and free up time and resources to focus on high-performing items that contribute the most to your bottom line.

Netstock unlocks operating cash

Machinery & Equipment customers turn to Netstock to optimize their supply chain

Improving visibility for machinery & equipment customers

Netstock enhances data in your ERP

Netstock integrates with leading ERP systems, automatically processing data to rapidly deliver smart supply chain recommendations.

Ready to get started?

Connect with Netstock today to accelerate your supply chain planning.

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